Opening Thoughts
The 1/537 USS Enterprise is one of those kits that stalked me since I was young. I remembered seeing it in various iterations through the years, basically re-released after every new Star Trek movie. Yet, my budget and …
Apr 26
Dec 15
I’m hoping to being writing periodically on my various alien races, for today I’m opening this with a bit of History on the Vectan Empire. This will probably prove more interesting as background information for the new book I’m presently …
Dec 09
Of the critical comments I’ve received on my work so far one of the most amusing to me is the question of a utopian future. I will admit that I am an optimist, and that works into my writing at …
Dec 01
Howdy folks, as the very few of you who currently follow me may know, I had the luck of bumping into the good people at Seattle Geekly while I was at OryCon this year. For those of you not in …
Feb 16
As a way to relax, I sometimes like to build models. I don’t do it as often as I’d like so my skills are often rusty. For my latest effort, I dove in and built the Moebius Models Battlestar Galactica…
Jul 30
I have been catching up on the alien invasion show Falling Skies and it got me thinking about why aliens would choose to attack and invade Earth. You just have to ask why aliens would cross the void between stars …
May 17
For a limited time The Dagger’s Point Ebooks will be available for free at Smashwords. So get off the couch and start downloading folks!
Smashwords The Dagger’s Point page.
Or for more information visit my local The Dagger’s Point…
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